1]Do You Play CS:GO? Yes
2] In Game Information: (Rank/level) Silver 3 use to be Silver 4
3] What is your ingame name? Nursai
4] Steam is Required for Membership
4a] Provide a link to your Steam Profile:http://steamcommunity.com/id/SexyNursai102902/
4b] Have you joined the RedLegion steam group? No
5] Do you play any other games? Unturned, Minecraft
6] What is your main language? If not English, can you speak English?
7] Who invited you to join RedLegion, Where did you learn about us?
8] Do you know anyone in RedLegion, if so who and how long have you known them? No
9] Why do you wish to join RedLegion above other clans? (at least 2-3 lines of text required) Because other teams lack experience, are runned by immature kiddos, and i just found RedLegion to seem pretty serious among others.
10] Tell us about yourself. age?/mic?/experience? Age: 13, only discord or skype mics work, and played csgo for like 10 months now